View and download a user report
To view someone’s report, go to the “All Users” tab, select the user whose reports you want to view, go to “Assessment & Reports”, and you’ll find all their reports there. To view a specific report, click on “Details & Reports”.
To download a report or share a link to it, simply use the buttons next to each report. Clicking “View” will open the full report.
Here you can also download their summary in the PDF format using the “Download summary” button or share a link to their summary report using “Share” button.
Make reports visible/not visible to users
When you click on “Details & Reports” next to an assessment, you can see which reports are visible to the user.
If the toggle is on (red), the report is visible to the user.
If you switch the toggle off, the report will no longer be available to the user, and vice versa.
Reports labeled “Personal” are designed for users, while “Admin” reports are tailored for managers, admins, and coaches.
Delete assessment results
To delete a user’s assessment results, go to the “Details & Reports” section of the specific assessment and click “Delete Assessment.” This action will permanently remove the user’s results for that assessment and unassign it from their profile.
Download multiple user reports
If you want to download reports from more users at once, go to “All Users” tab, select those users, click on the three dots in the bottom right, and select “Download report (PDF)”. This action might take some time if you’re downloading a lot of reports at once because the platform needs to pull out a lot of data simultaneously.
Choose which reports you want to download and click “Request pdf”. You will then receive an email containing a link to download your PDF reports. Do note, it may take a few minutes to process your download if you are requesting a large number of reports.