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The Core Drivers Overview
Updated over 7 months ago

The Core Drivers Diagnostic

The Core Drivers Diagnostic was developed using a rigorous scientific methodology, leveraging data from over 150,000 working adults, psychometric methodologies, and machine learning techniques. As a result, the diagnostic is the shortest and most accurate measure of personality.

The Core Drivers Diagnostic was designed to give users, teams, and organizations deep insights into how they think, relate, and perform at work. Scores on the Core Drivers Diagnostic correlate with many popular psychometric constructs and inventories, including The Big Five, Dark Triad, NEO PI-R, and the Hogan Personality Inventory, in addition to employee engagement, counter-productive work behaviors, and manager ratings of job performance. It is a personality inventory based on the Five Factor Model - the most scientifically validated and defensible model of personality.

Assessment scope

The Core Drivers Diagnostic contains six scales:

  • Agreeableness: The tendency to be candid or considerate.

  • Conscientiousness: The tendency to be flexible or organized.

  • Drive: The tendency to be laid back or driven.

  • Extraversion: The tendency to be reserved or outgoing.

  • Openness: The tendency to be pragmatic or curious.

  • Emotional Stability: The tendency to be passionate or stable.

The image below outlines these 12 dispositions stemming from 6 continuous traits:


In addition to the six dimensions, 30 facets or “Sub-Drivers” constitute each scale (five per dimension). This allows for greater nuance and understanding of an individual’s dispositions. To complete the diagnostic, users indicate the extent to which 30 behavioral statements and 60 force-choice adjectives best describe themselves.

The Core Drivers Diagnostic sets itself apart from other talent assessments with its short format, which allows users to complete the diagnostic in less than ten minutes. In addition, the unique, conversational language improves accessibility and provides an engaging user experience. More importantly, this unique experience is delivered without compromising the scientific robustness of the tool. The Core Drivers Diagnostic is scientifically reliable, valid, and free of bias. It meets all industry standards and predicts critical work behaviors and outcomes.

Empirical evidence has demonstrated that the Core Drivers Diagnostic has excellent reliability and validity, showing strong correlations with other personality tools and key outcomes such as work engagement and job performance. Further, the tool shows no evidence of adverse impact or bias.

You can read more about the science of the diagnostic in the Technical Manual.

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