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How to set up Hiring Campaigns
Updated over 6 months ago

To set up your Candidate Selection Campaign, go to “Campaigns”, click on “+New invite campaign” and select “Candidate Selection”.

Name invite campaign

To start, assign a name to your candidate selection campaign. Do note, each campaign needs to have a unique name.

Select a role

In this step, you can select one of the predefined roles to automatically configure the assessments and competencies shown by research to predict success in the role. You can also skip this step and choose your own competencies in the next step.

Measure competencies

In case you previously selected one the predefined roles, in this step you’ll see competencies that are essential for the role you selected, based on academic research. In case you want to add more competencies that you consider important for that role, you can do that by clicking on them. To continue, click “Next”.

Add assessments

If you selected one of the predefined roles in the second step, the required assessments for that role will be automatically included in the campaign. You can also add additional assessments that you think would be beneficial for this role.

Enable reports

Next, select the report(s) you want users to receive after completing the assessment. Core Drivers Pro is our comprehensive report, while Core Drivers is a shorter version (also known as Core Drivers Light). You can compare these two reports in this article.

Only choose one version of the report so users wouldn’t receive two reports for the same type of assessment.

Note: If you do not select any report in this step, users won't receive a report after completing the assessment.

Add tags

In the final step, you have the option to add tags to your invite campaign. This will assist you in filtering users later. For instance, if you’re hiring a PHP engineer for your product team, you can add a “product team” tag for easier tracking. To conclude, click "Complete".

After creating the campaign, click "Go to campaign" to begin inviting users.

Once you've created the invite campaign, you can begin sending invites from within that campaign. To start, click on the "Invite" button.

If you want to invite users by email, you can see how to do that here.

If you want to send a link from your personal or work email, you can see how to do that here.

Manage users

After sending out email invitations from your development campaign, you can monitor the progress under the "Campaigns" tab. Begin by selecting your campaign.

  • All users: the total number of candidates you invited in that campaign.

  • Unused: the number of candidates that haven’t registered yet.

  • Signed up: the number of candidates who have registered but haven’t started taking an assessment yet.

  • In Progress: the number of candidates that are currently taking an assessment, or they haven't completed all the assigned assessments yet.

  • Completed: the number of candidates that completed all assigned assessments.

  • Rating: You can rate each candidate with one to five stars.

  • Role Match: The average score of the required capabilities for the selected role. For example, if you selected “Software Engineer” in the “Select a Role” step, the role match score indicates how well this candidate fits that role. The column will be empty if no role is selected during campaign creation.

  • Overall match: The average score based on both the selected job role and any additional capabilities. For instance, if you chose “Software Engineer” and then added additional competencies in the “Measure Competencies” step, the overall match score reflects how well the candidate fits the role, considering both the role and the additional competencies. The column will be empty if no job role or additional capabilities are selected.

  • Hiring status: Select different statuses to track each candidate's progress throughout the hiring process.

  • Completions: The number of assessments that each candidate completed.


When you select a specific user, you can view their progress status in more detail. For instance, the user in the example below has both assigned assessments. Role match is the mathematical average of the required capabilities for the role. The closer the score is to 100%, the better the match for that role. Overall match is the average score based on both the chosen job role and any additional capabilities. You can also edit the user's hiring status, rate them, and write notes here.

From here, you have the option to send a follow-up email by clicking the "Follow up" button. Alternatively, you can use the "Copy link" option to share a link with that user, which they can use to register or log into their account.


In the scores tab, you can quickly see a summary of users' scores on all assigned assessments in the campaign, as well as their scores on competencies.


In the progress tab, you can see a history of actions taken by the user or system.

Changing the hiring status

If you want to change the hiring status of multiple users, select those users in the campaign, and update them to the desired status, as shown below.

If you want to change the status of a user(s) to “Rejected”, select the user(s) you want to reject and click “Reject”.

In the next step, you can either reject the selected candidate(s) without sending an email, or you can toggle the “Send rejection email” button and click “Customize rejection email”.

You can edit the rejection email and once you’re done, click “Reject and send”.

If you want to hire a candidate, you need to open their profile and select “Hire”.

Note: Once you hire someone, they will change their user status from “Active candidate” to “Active user” and you won’t be able to change their hiring status anymore.

If you want to send them an email once they’re hired, toggle the “Send email to this candidate” button and click “Customize hiring email”.

Once you’ve customized the email, click “Hire and send”.

Remove users from the campaign

To remove user(s) from the campaign, select the users you want removed and click “Remove”.

Note: You can only remove user that have “Unused” status, meaning they still didn’t register. This will only remove users from the campaign, it won’t delete them or their results, you will still be able to find them in the “All users” table.


Under the results tab, you can see scores from users who completed each of the campaign assessments. You can also add more columns if you want to see additional data. By clicking on the “Download all” button, you can download a CSV file of all the data in the table.

Set reminders

Within each campaign, you can set up reminders for users who haven't completed the assessment yet.

You can set the frequency and the number of reminders you want to send daily, weekly, or monthly. Then, define the groups that will receive the reminders.

  • Unused: the number of users that haven’t registered yet.

  • Signed up: the number of users who have registered but haven’t started taking an assessment yet.

  • In Progress: the number of users that are currently taking an assessment, or they haven't completed all the assigned assessments yet.

You can also customize the reminder for each group. To finish, click "Save changes."

Send a follow up

If a user hasn't started or completed their assessment, you can remind them by immediately sending a follow-up email. To do this, click the "Follow up" button next to their name.

You also have the option to select multiple users and then click the "Follow up" button in the bottom right corner to send an email to all selected users.

After clicking the "Follow up" button, you'll have the option to customize your follow-up email or choose a template. Once you're done, click "Send Follow up" to complete the process.

Archive a campaign

If you want to disable the invite campaign, you can do that by clicking on three dots in the upper right corner and selecting “Archive campaign”.

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