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How to use Campaigns
Updated over 5 months ago

Create an invite campaign

If you wish to invite someone to take an assessment via email or a link, you must first create an invite campaign.

Begin by navigating to the "Campaigns" tab and selecting "+New invite campaign".

Select your campaign goal

Begin by selecting your campaign goal. You can choose between two types of campaigns: Coaching and Employee Development, and Candidate Selection.

In the following section, we will provide a detailed guide on how to create a Coaching and Development campaign. If you are interested in creating a Candidate Selection Campaign, please refer to this article.

Name invite campaign

To begin, assign a name to your invite campaign. For instance, if you're organizing a workshop for your finance team in Denmark, you could name the campaign "Denmark - Finance Team," or anything else that will help you recall the recipients of the invites.

To continue, click “Next”.

Add assessments

In the second step, choose the assessment(s) you wish to send by clicking on the toggle. The assessment is selected when the toggle is red.

In the example below, recipients of the invite will only be able to complete the Core Drivers assessment. They won't receive an invite for the Core Values.

Click "Next" to continue.

Enable reports

Next, select the report(s) you want users to receive after completing the assessment. Core Drivers Pro is our comprehensive report, while Core Drivers is a shorter version (also known as Core Drivers Light). You can compare these two reports in this article.

Only choose one version of the report so users wouldn’t receive two reports for the same type of assessment.

In the example below, if you selected only the Core Drivers assessment in the previous step, you can only choose the corresponding report. The Core Drivers Pro report is selected, meaning users who complete the assessment will receive the full version of the report.

Click "Next" to proceed.

Note: If you do not select any report in this step, users won't receive a report after completing the assessment. However, you can publish the report to the user later if required. Instructions on how to do this can be found here.

Add tags

In the final step, you have the option to add tags to your invite campaign. This will assist you in filtering users later. For instance, if all users you're inviting are from a marketing team, you can add a 'marketing' tag for easier tracking.

To conclude, click "Complete".

After creating the campaign, click "Go to campaign" to begin inviting users.

Once you've created the invite campaign, you can begin sending invites from within that campaign. To start, click on the "Invite" button.

If you want to invite users by email, you can see how to do that here.

If you want to send a link from your personal or work email, you can see how to do that here.

Manage users

After sending out email invitations from your development campaign, you can monitor the progress under the "Campaigns" tab. Begin by selecting your campaign.

  • All users: the total number of users you invited in that campaign.

  • Unused: the number of users that haven’t registered yet.

  • Signed up: the number of users who have registered but haven’t started taking an assessment yet.

  • In Progress: the number of users that are currently taking an assessment, or they haven't completed all the assigned assessments yet.

  • Completed: the number of users that completed all assigned assessments.


When you select a specific user, you can view their progress status in more detail. For instance, the user in the example below has begun the Core Values assessment but hasn't finished it yet. Moreover, they haven't started the Core Drivers assessment.

From here, you have the option to send a follow-up email by clicking the "Follow up" button. Alternatively, you can use the "Copy link" option to share a link with that user, which they can use to register or log into their account. You can also write notes.


In the scores tab, you can see a quick summary of users' scores on all assigned assessments in that campaign.


In the progress tab, you can see a history of actions taken by the user or system.


Under the results tab, you can see scores from users who completed each of the campaign assessments. You can also add more columns if you want to see additional data. By clicking on the “Download all” button, you can download a CSV file of all the data in the table.

Set reminders

Within each campaign, you can set up reminders for users who haven't completed the assessment yet.

You can set the frequency and the number of reminders you want to send daily, weekly, or monthly. Then, define the groups that will receive the reminders.

  • Unused: the number of users that haven’t registered yet.

  • Signed up: the number of users who have registered but haven’t started taking an assessment yet.

  • In Progress: the number of users that are currently taking an assessment, or they haven't completed all the assigned assessments yet.

You can also customize the reminder for each group. To finish, click "Save changes."

Send a follow up

If a user hasn't started or completed their assessment, you can remind them by immediately sending a follow-up email. To do this, click the "Follow up" button next to their name.

You also have the option to select multiple users and then click the "Follow up" button in the bottom right corner to send an email to all selected users.

After clicking the "Follow up" button, you'll have the option to customize your follow-up email or choose a template. Once you're done, click "Send Follow up" to complete the process.

Updating a campaign

After sending out the assessment invites, you can still update your campaign settings as needed.

To change the campaign name, click the pencil icon next to the current campaign name.

To adjust the report settings go to the Reports tab and click "Edit." Once you’ve made changes to which reports will be available, you will be prompted to apply these changes to all users in the campaign.

  • Select "Yes" if you want the changes to affect all users, including those who have already completed the assessment. For example, if no reports were published previously and you now add a report and select “Yes,” all users in that campaign will receive the report.

  • Select "No" if you want the changes to apply only to future users. For instance, if reports weren’t published before and you select a report but choose “No,” only new users invited after the change will receive the report.

The same logic applies to editing tags. When you update tags:

  • Select "Yes" to apply the new tags to all users in the campaign, including past ones.

  • Select "No" to apply the changes only to future users.

Archive a campaign

If you want to archive the invite campaign, you can do that by clicking on three dots in the upper right corner and selecting “Archive campaign”.

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